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Python Programming

Guido van Rossum

  Anaconda : Anaconda Inc.

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  • Python Programming: ±³À°°úÁ¤ ¹× °­ÀÇÀÚ·á

    PART I. ÆÄÀ̽ã ÇÁ·Î±×·¡¹Ö ±âÃÊ
    Chapter 00. ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ ½Ã½ºÅÛ (Computer Systems)
    • ÇÁ·Î±×·¡¹Ö ¾ð¾î¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÀÌÇØ
    Chapter 01. ÆÄÀ̽㠾ð¾î °³¿ä (Python Language Overview)
    • µ¥ÀÌÅÍ Ç¥Çö: º¯¼ö¿Í ÀÚ·áÇü(³»Àå Ŭ·¡½º)
    • ÆÄÀ̽㠱⺻ ÀÚ·áÇüÀÇ ÀÌÇØ
    • ¹®ÀÚ¿­ÀÇ ÀÌÇØ¿Í Çü½Ä ¹®ÀÚ¿­
    • ¸®½ºÆ®, Æ©ÇÃ, µñ¼Å³Ê¸®, ¼ÂÀÇ ÀÌÇØ
    Chapter 02. ÆÄÀ̽ã ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ ±¸Á¶ (Python Program Structure)
    • ¼ö½Ä°ú ¿¬»êÀÚ, ºñÆ® ¿¬»êÀÚ
    Chapter 03. Á¦¾îÈ帧 (Control Flow)
    • ¼±Åà ±¸Á¶: ÀÌÁß¼±ÅÃ, ´ÙÁß¼±ÅÃ
    • ¹Ýº¹ ±¸Á¶: while, for
    • Á¡ÇÁ¹®, ¿¹¿Ü ó¸®
    Chapter 04. ÇÔ¼ö (Functions)
    • ÇÔ¼öÀÇ ÀÌÇØ: »ç¿ëÀÚ Á¤ÀÇ ÇÔ¼ö
    • Àç±Í ÇÔ¼ö, ³»Àå ÇÔ¼ö

    PART II. ÀÚ·áÇü°ú ÀڷᱸÁ¶
    Chapter 05. ¹®ÀÚ¿­ (String)
    • ¹®ÀÚ¿­ Á¶ÀÛ ÇÔ¼ö¿Í È°¿ë ¹× ÀÀ¿ë
    Chapter 06. ¸®½ºÆ®¿Í Æ©Çà (List and Tuple)
    • ¸®½ºÆ® Á¶ÀÛ ÇÔ¼ö¿Í È°¿ë ¹× ÀÀ¿ë
    • Æ©Çà Á¶ÀÛ ÇÔ¼ö¿Í È°¿ë ¹× ÀÀ¿ë
    Chapter 07. µñ¼Å³Ê¸®¿Í ¼Â (Dictionary and Set)
    • µñ¼Å³Ê¸® Á¶ÀÛ ÇÔ¼ö¿Í È°¿ë ¹× ÀÀ¿ë
    • ¼Â Á¶ÀÛ ÇÔ¼ö¿Í È°¿ë ¹× ÀÀ¿ë

    PART III. °´Ã¼ÁöÇâ ÇÁ·Î±×·¡¹Ö (Object-Oriented Programming)
    Chapter 08. Ŭ·¡½º¿Í °´Ã¼ (Classes and Objects)
    • °´Ã¼ÁöÇâ ÇÁ·Î±×·¡¹ÖÀÇ ÀÌÇØ
    • Ŭ·¡½º¿Í µ¥ÀÌÅÍ Ãß»óÈ­: ĸ½¶È­¿Í Á¤º¸ Àº´Ð
    • »ó¼Ó°ú ´ÙÇü¼º: Ãß»ó Ŭ·¡½º, ´ÙÁß »ó¼Ó
    • ³»Àå Ŭ·¡½º: ÀÚ·áÇü µî
    Chapter 09. ¸ðµâ°ú ÆÐÅ°Áö (Modules and Packages)
    • ¸ðµâ: ¸ðµâ ¸¸µé±â°ú ºÒ·¯¿À±â
    • ÆÐÅ°Áö: ÆÄÀ̽ã ÆÐÅ°Áö °ü¸®(pip)
    Chapter 10. ÆÄÀ̽㠶óÀ̺귯¸® (Python Library)
    • Ç¥ÁØ ¶óÀ̺귯¸®: ÆÄÀÏ ½Ã½ºÅÛ
    • ¿ÜºÎ ¶óÀ̺귯¸®: ÀΰøÁö´É°ú ºòµ¥ÀÌÅÍ, ÀÎÅͳݰú À¥
    Chapter 11. GUI ÇÁ·Î±×·¡¹Ö (Graphical User Interface Programming)
    • ÅÍƲ ±×·¡ÇÈ(Turtle Graphics)
    • Tkinter: Widgets, Å°º¸µå¿Í ¸¶¿ì½º À̺¥Æ®
    • GUI Frameworks: PyQt, PyGObject, etc.

    PART IV. ÆÄÀ̽ã ÇÁ·Î±×·¡¹Ö ÀÀ¿ë
    Chapter 21. ÀΰøÁö´É°ú ºòµ¥ÀÌÅÍ (Artificial Intelligence and Big Data)
    • ÀΰøÁö´É: TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch
    • µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ºÐ¼® ¹× ½Ã°¢È­: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib
    Chapter 22. ÀÎÅͳݰú À¥ (Internet and Web)
    • À¥ Ç¥ÁØ ±â¼ú, À¥ ºê¶ó¿ìÀú
    • À¥ Å©·Ñ¸µ: Beautifulsoup
    • À¥ ÇÁ·Î±×·¡¹Ö: Django
    Chapter 23. ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ ½Ã½ºÅÛ (Computer Systems)
    • ½Ã½ºÅÛ ÇÁ·Î±×·¡¹Ö
    • ³×Æ®¿öÅ© ÇÁ·Î±×·¡¹Ö

    Appendix A.
    Chapter 00. °³¹ß ȯ°æ: ÆÄÀ̽㠼³Ä¡ ¹× °³¹ß ȯ°æ

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Please contact us at for permission to use outside of the scope of this license.

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